Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Skywalker Ranch

By now our affinity for most things George Lucas is known; we've covered it on a couple occasions. We marvel at Disney's desire to make the sequels to the legendary trilogy. Then again, perhaps it is fitting: movies don't have to be at all entertaining, they simply need to gross big money and offer incessant merchandising.

What do the parental figures say about this couple? Leia barely ever packed a blaster but it was hot when she did. If you are Vader, does that mean you are tyrannical or just overly violent?

While their nonsensical arguing may liken them to the two droids, would you really represent your kids as R2D2 and C3PO out of the entire universe of Star Wars characters? To be honest, we know a few children who are way more like Senator Palpatine, Chewbacca, Wicket and Jar Jar Binks than anyone else. 

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