Wednesday, June 19, 2013


As previously chronicled, tailgate remembrances have only furthered the spectrum of graffiti, ornamenting cars with (in most cases) little thought given. Breezy notions of what passes for identities and ideals litter the road just like in the social media. If only commuters had to keep remarks to 140 characters!

We haven't given great thought to what will be on our gravestone. You can bet there won't be any images; unless the headstone shop takes a lot of orders for a donkey!

Unlike this dearly departed, we would not want to be described by athletics. Is that all there is to say? We picture two dinosaurs at dingy diner working over such a passing:
Tony: You hear that guy died?
Bob: Now that's a real shame!
Tony (adding non-dairy creamer to his Sanka): Yeah, left behind a barrel of balls, some pads, a few jerseys and a helmet.
Bob (lighting his third cigarette): Sure - he was a giant in the field. 
Tony: You know it. He could put one heck of a stank on those guys!

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