What do we allow to change us? Are we fundamentally the same until an external force throttles us into a change of character, belief, path? Can we accept change without the beating from an outside event or being?
When did we love --
really love? And not the kind of Hollywood scene with a beach at sunset shimmering romantically around a couple. Not even the stuff that a parent deeply feels for their child or the glowing affection of a friend. No, we’re talking about love that throws our carefully crafted, yet utterly insufficient, American security to the wind to help another person: a stranger, maybe even a nobody; regardless just one being.
And try to assist not because we are heroic or deserve credit, such as it is, but simply because we become aware of a need, desperate or not. We may or may not be qualified, perhaps we are straight-up incompetent, to help but
willing nonetheless. Where is willingness and civility of such a basic level? #CarlosArredondo
How have we mindlessly meandered into easy, painless and almost automatic love? Too lost in the wilderness ourselves; are we too trapped on our knees to love another soul? Who suckered us into cheap religiosity and far away from action-based, purely sacrificial, smoldering just beneath the surface, broken love. The ground is littered with well-intentioned, half-hearted, pointless, lazy love.
What have we become? Far more importantly, will we trust anything enough to change us? Or do we require shock therapy and torture of a worse kind?