Thursday, March 21, 2013

Date Correction

Ever hit "send" on an email to only realize that something wasn't exactly right the very next second? Ask #AlecBaldwin what it's like to regret only a moment after having said something (or after hanging up following a minutes-long tirade on your daughter's voicemail). Occasionally, what seems prudent one moment is utterly preposterous, arrogant and even deeply disturbing only seconds later.

Well, for this driver, a moment of regret is likely to be extended to the life of their car. Clearly, campaigns would stop selling stickers if nobody purchased them. And so we question the wisdom of pasting anything to the vehicle you've spent decent money on, much less a sticker that has a promising likelihood of being refutable, like many candidate's embarrassments of failed one-upsmanship.

While you had better look elsewhere for love if you're #Obama in this car, multiple felines are welcome, even shelter animals.

Shout out to SB of NJ. Thanks for the pic!

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