Yes, the majestic and
indisputably clever moose. Clever? Yes, just ask #Bullwinkle. Our sudden run-in with a moose consisted of pure fright, on both parts. The 10 yards separating us wasn't enough for the big bull who darted parallel to the street for 50 yards, followed by the thunderous noise of the animal plowing through branches and trees. Dumbfounded, we had hardly moved and were quite startled by the lack of hoof beats on the pavement prior to the crashing through the woods.
Certainly, unlike
some vermin, we can almost understand how the noble moose would be a likely candidate for tailgate immortality.
What we can't understand, however, is how this commuter could confuse a moose and an aardvark (note ADK). We haven't done quite 36 hours worth of research but we're fairly comfortable that these two animals would be extremely difficult to confuse.
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