Friday, May 24, 2013


No, though we might be tempted to blog about some monstrous commuter we may have seen, we're not talking about whaling (as practiced aboard the Pequod) but instead wailing (like Robert Plant really letting it go in "Kashmir"). Our apologies to those incessantly entertained by "your momma" jokes.

On the face of it, we find no fault with this tailgate admission: when the spirit moves you, you really should let it loose; the louder, the better. To refrain seems like allowing a little piece of you to be put to death. 

Occasionally, however, we've noted that people of a certain non-male gender are unable to maintain proper control of their ride while screaming lyrics in a confrontational cover of a song that the original artist would undoubtedly describe as, well, altogether personally offensive. Particularly when you see the Beyonce hand gestures and swerving in the lane, you know that it's safer to pull over or just accelerate right past them. Real friends don't let friends wail behind the wheel. 

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