Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Movement #2

Have we mentioned just how sophisticated we believe we are? Some shun organic gourmet foods for the simple, all-you-can-eat buffets. Others pass up full-bodied wine for fistfulls of Colt 45. Still others scoff at classical music for today's top hits (whatever genre that is). This commuter knows better.

Now, perhaps more than ever, classical music seems woefully under appreciated. It isn't just showing up to world-class music halls the youngest person by 20 years, such music is frequently treated like an alarm clock by the younger generations. Yet what could be more classic than classical music?

And so, we refer you to Sibling Revelry, a blogging voyage of classical discovery complete with history, personal perspectives and video of highlighted pieces.

Shout out to SJ of NJ. Thanks for the pic!

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